Don Sprouse Hits the Road With RV in 6th District Race--THE DEAD PELICAN 2014©

3/28/2014--10:05 AM CDT

A shocking new development has other candidates running scared in the 6th district congressional race, THE DEAD PELICAN has learned.

Baxter Parish businessman Don Sprouse has officially entered the race and is out on the campaign trail in full force. THE DEAD PELICAN spotted Sprouse traveling through Livingston Parish early Monday morning, and was able to capture this photo on an android mobile device. The R.V. displayed the banner with the words "Send Don Sprouse to Congress." (See photo above}.

Sprouse is the owner of "Don's RV Palace," which is said to be the oldest business in Baxter Parish. In fact, it's public knowledge that Sprouse was living in an RV when he started his business. It grew into a $3 million a year operation, making his a true "rags to riches" story. Hitting the campaign trail in an RV was intended to be symbolic of how a Louisiana man can rise above his humble origins and become something much greater. The R.V. he's driving for campaign purposes is the same one that he lived in over 30 years ago.

But Sprouse isn't just another rich guy with no political experience trying to buy his way into public office. He has served for over twelve years as the Baxter Parish president, winning three consecutive re-election bids.

Many see Sprouse's candidacy as an unforeseen consequence of the recent congressional redistricting. When the district was re-drawn to include Baxter parish, Sprouse became eligible.

Most of the other candidates are already hanging their head in defeat, including former Governor Edwin Edwards. "I have about as much chance beating him as I did the federal government's racketeering case," Edwards recently told a source.

By now, some of you might be wondering, just who is Don Sprouse? And just where is Baxter Parish? The full story on that is right here.